Arkiv för september, 2011


السلام & שָׁלוֹם

by Wyborcza (APTOPIX )


Malmö Arab Film Festival

I found out, by accident, that Scandinavian Arab Society organizes Malmo Arab film Festival. I’m so sorry to tell u that’s already over but for all of u somewhere around here, u shoul really take a chance nest year! I managed to attend the festival on it’s second last day to see short movies from Middle East. UAE, KSA, Marocco, Jordan, Syria, Iraq & of course Lebanon were all represented. Lebanon had two films running 🙂 One of the directors (Khalid Al Mahmood, UAE) was also there to discuss his film. Such a great evening could end just by going home so meze at Maroush were a good attemot to keep the arabic spirit alive.


Tack så mycket! Thank u! Dziękuje bardzo! Shukran ktir!

…to all of u wonderful people out there – thank u so much for allt the B-day wishes. U turned my B-day to an amazing one!


off? or not

So how do I spend my six days OFF? well … by reading & writing about – work. Can u believe it? If u know me a bit, YES!


one among the others?

Was I too naive to hope for some solution for Palestine? Not any fairytale happy ending bur at least SOMETHING in the peace direction.


Obama speech analysis:

The contradictions of American policy towards the Middle East have been on display.

In his speech, President Obama praised the way Arabs in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia had seized their freedom. But even with the prospect of the US vetoing the Palestinian UN bid, the Palestinians are claiming some victories – they’ve put the issue of their independence back on the international agenda.

The president’s speech was as much about the politics of his own re-election bid next year as it was about the politics of making peace.

His leading Republican opponent has accused him of appeasing the Palestinians. Mr Obama said nothing that Israel and its friends would not like.

That may well be good for the Israeli government. It isn’t necessarily good for Middle East peace.

by Jeremy Bowen BBC Middle East editor, at the UN 


social workers oath…

or few vise words from Kierkegaard:

Om jag vill lyckas med att föra en människa mot ett bestämt mål,

måste jag först finna henne där hon är och börja just där.

Den som inte kan det,

lurar sig själv när hon tror att kan hjälpa andra.

För att hjälpa någon måste jag visserligen förstå mer vad han gör,

men först och främst  förstå det han förstår.

Om jag inte kan det,

så hjälper inte att jag kan hur mycket jag kan och vet mera.

Vill jag ändå visa hur mycket jag kan,

så beror det på att jag är fåfäng och högmodig och egentligen vill bli beundrad av den andre istället för att hjälpa honom.

All äkta hjälpsamhet börjar med ödmjukhet inför den jag vill hjälpa och därmed måste jag förstå att detta med att hjälpa inte är att vilja härska,

utan att vilja tjäna.

Kan jag inte detta så kan jag inte heller hjälpa någon.



Crazy crazy week heading towards weekend. It’s incredible how fast time is passing – it was just Monday! It’s been as usual a lot of work this week but also many nice moments! Such a pleasure to have somebody visiting 🙂 Stand up was fun & brought back great memories from lastParisvisit. Yesterday I had a looooong date with Vedung (yes, he is officially placed in the drawer with Bralczyk and Adlercreutz). Running to library now for another dose of evaluation theories by MrV, work later this afternoon & evening!


last supper

mums mums by Gräddbulleriet


perpetuum mobile

Believe me with 100%work & 100% studies perpetuum mobile should be my second name! Does is sound crazy 100% work + 100% studies? Well u’re not the only one. I believe that if there is a will, there is a way. The two major keys to victory are called planning & self-discipline. Somebody said once (or maybe twice… OK many times!) that I’m stubborn as a mule with twelve pair of ears, so I hope this stubbornness will now be to my favour!


The code – red for my online course, black – for my campus course, blue – for my job AND pencil for my private life 🙂